AotA 52: The I is Strong


“These tech reporters live vicariously through Apple’s success.”

Hello and welcome to episode 52 of our weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined this week by a whole bunch of people. Come listen to Joey Kelley, Shane Brady, Seth Heringer, Eric Finkenbiner, and a little later in the show, Ant Pruitt. We have a great mobile focused discussion starting out with the iPhone 5 announcement, tech reporting and the art of selling out, Android Jellybean growth, locking down Android for children, Android profiles, HTC’s new Android devices, Eric’s Nexus Q update, a cool new Motorola Phone of the Moment, and so much more. Plus this week’s app picks! Thanks for listening!

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AotA 51: Some Horse and a Wagon


“What did we used to do before Facebook?”

Welcome everyone to yet another episode of our weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined by Eric Finkenbiner and Ant Pruitt. On episode 51 we talk about tablet photography and how silly you look, one billion cumulative Android devices shipped by 2013, Ant gets a Galaxy Nexus but gives up unlimited data, rooting and installing custom roms, Android and iOS slowly eating the PC industry, Verizon pre-loading McAfee antivirus in a desperate attempt to make money and “protect” it’s users, Eric’s Nexus Q update, another Motorola Phone of the Moment, and a great discussion on what Apple would need to do in order to make you give up your Android device and make the switch. All this plus our app picks on episode 51 of our weekly Android podcast, AotA! Thanks for listening.

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AotA 50: Eternity in Hell


“Should these things even be granted patents in the first place?”

Come one come all and joyously listen to the 50th episode of our weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined on this momentous occasion by Seth Heringer, Joey Kelley, Eric Finkenbiner, and Shane Brady. It’s almost been a whole year since we first started this show back in the old days when the phrase “Byte Me” was in fashion, then moving on to what we thought were more groovy pastures, and now at our final resting place as part of the Mat Lee network of podcasts. Yeah, I know, we’re still working on a name. It’s been a fantastic experience having the chance to talk to you all each and every week. I just want to give a huge heart felt thank you to all the listeners, fans and friends of all the podcasts we do who have stuck with us through thick and thin, funny and not so fun. We’ve had a lot of laughs while at the same time disseminating a ton of important, educational commentary and information. Thank you so much for listening.

On tonight’s episode we discuss the Apple VS Samsung verdict, patent law in technology, Joey’s new rePublic Wireless phone, rooting and putting CM10 on your Transformer Prime, the new Google Nexus 3G tablet, the Google Play end of Summer Sale, and the Galaxy SIII outselling the iPhone 4S. All this and more plus this week’s app picks on tonight’s episode of Attack of the Androids.

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AotA 49: Check Twice Save a Life


“That’s just one of the many differences between you and me.”

Hello and welcome to another episode of your favorite weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined on tonight’s hangout on air by Joey Kelley and Shane Brady. You can always check out the video archive of each tech podcast we do on this handy YouTube playlist. On tonight’s episode we talk about Apple VS Samsung, an Android powered Nikon, the possibly new Galaxy Mp3 player, Android pirating websites getting pwn’d, Google and Motorola VS Apple, T Mobile giving back unlimited data, and so much more. As per usual, keep reading for links to articles and this week’s app picks.

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AotA 47: A Big Conspiracy


“I think this is the difference between a startup and a behemoth of a company.”

Here we go, another week, another episode of our Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here, thank you so much for checking out our show. On tonight’s episode we have a full house, with Joey Kelley, Jeremy Lesniak, Eric Finkenbiner, and Shane Brady. Join us each and every Tuesday live on AotA as we discuss the cool Android related news and reviews of the week. On tonight’s episode we talk about the Google Nexus 7, Eric’s “free” Nexus Q nightmare, Google kills Listen, Apple VS Google ads, no more iOS YouTube app, Android and Ubuntu play nice, a cheap Android handheld gaming console, some more OUYA talk, and so much more. All this great discussion plus our app picks on episode 47 of AotA.

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AotA 46: The Wild West


“Have you ever met someone who’s not happy with Apple’s customer service?”

Hello and welcome to another episode of your favorite weekly Android podcast, AotA. Mat Lee here joined via the magicks of the Internet by Joey Kelley, Eric Finkenbiner, Shane Brady, and a slightly late Seth Heringer. On tonight’s episode we crash the hangout in record time as we discuss the Nexus Q, piracy on Android, free apps hijacking your device, the OUYA and other Android gaming devices, Spotify, Republic Wireless, and so much more. Tap the break below for article links and as always, this week’s app picks! Thanks for tuning in, and remember, if you’d like to watch the video re run, check out the latest episode on AotA TV, or the whole back catalog on our YouTube playlist.

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