AotA 76: Facebook Malware


“This podcast thing might not be such a good idea Mike.”

Oh hey there, thanks for checking out another episode of our weekly Android show, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined this week by Eric Finkenbiner, Shane Brady and Mike Boudet. Join us as we talk about the week’s Android news including Google Hangouts additions, Swiftkey Tilt, the Facebook launcher, Android malware and Tibetan activists, some Chromebook Android rumors, Flash on Android, the OUYA, this week’s app picks and so much more. Thanks for listening!

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AotA 75: Low Hanging Fruit


“There’s no such thing as a critical email really.”

Thank you so much for catching another open source episode of the self proclaimed most entertainingly funny Android podcast on the interwebs, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined by Eric Finkenbiner, Shane Brady, Ant Pruitt and Chris Miller. Be sure to join the AotA Google+ community and interact with the crew throughout the week. If you have a question about Android, ask it in our Tech Support section. You can also email us or send a form from the AotA Contact Us page. Join us as we talk about Shane’s new Nexus 4, CM 10.1 Galaxy Nexus graphics settings, the Blackberry Z10, Minuum, some awesome app updates from Ingress, Stitcher, Gmail and Google+, the LG VS Samsung gimmick patent suit, Google Babble, Android malware attacks stealing data, how much do you trust the cloud, and a new Kickstarter Android computer. All this plus our app picks on episode 75 of Attack of the Androids.

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AotA 74: Why Not?


“I’ll take convoluted analogies for one hundred Alex.”

Welcome back to another great episode of our weekly Android podcast, AotA. Mat Lee here joined by Eric Finkenbiner and Ant Pruitt. On tonight’s episode we talk about MG Siegler’s review of the Nexus 4, some emergency call cheat codes, FROST, McAfee on Android, Google Glass, Android trends for 2013, Swiftkey, Android owners aren’t real, this week’s app picks and so much more. Thanks for listening, interact with the group on our AotA Google+ Community and make sure to write a review in iTunes.

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AotA 73: Dropping Bombs


“Twitter is the platform for narcissists.”

Welcome to another awesome episode of our weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined by some new talent on the show tonight. We have Ant Pruitt, Shane Brady, Chris Miller, Anthony Farrior, and Mike Boudet. Join us as we talk about the week’s Android news including some Android VS iOS discussion, UI design, Jellybean adoption, Verizon Galaxy Nexus Jellybean update and possible Vodafone merger, Fring, Tweetdeck going away on Android and iOS, and Google Glass. All this, our app picks and so much more for episode 73 of AotA.

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AotA 72: Panic in Google’s Headquarters


“Their network might suck, but I like some of their business practices.”

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, depending on the time you’re checking out the latest and greatest episode of our weekly Android podcast, AotA. Mat Lee here with Seth Heringer, Shane Brady, a very worried Eric Finkenbiner, and Ant Pruitt talking about the latest Android phones, tablets and apps. On episode 72 we talk about the new HTC One, the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Ubuntu Touch Preview on Eric’s Nexus 4, the Pwnie Express Pwn Pad, some Google / Samsung business politics, and HTC’s FTC problem. All this plus our app picks and so much more on episode 72 of Attack of the Androids. Thanks for listening!

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AotA 71: Notification Overload


“We’re old enough to know that when you sext, you mean it.”

Another week another episode of your favorite Android podcast, AotA. Mat Lee here with Shane Brady and Seth Heringer for episode 71. Be sure to join us on the Google+ community for fun Android related stuff all week long. Can you even handle that much Android? On tonight’s show we talk about the most expensive Android phone you never want to buy, sexting, the Galaxy S4 rumors, Google Now, Google TV, the Android 4.2.2 update, plus this week’s app picks. Thanks for listening!

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