AotA 23: Command Line


“You’re a man, and men unlock their bootloaders, especially when the manufacturers hand them a nice little app to do it with.”

Here we go, another week, another episode of Attack of the Androids. Joining me tonight we have Seth Heringer, Joey Kelley, and Eric Finkenbiner. Join us each week as we discuss the latest Android news, reviews, and all the cool Android tips you need to know to fully unlock the power of your device. We start out tonight’s episode talking about some of the freshest Android groovy posts. Bogdan Bele wrote a piece on Ubuntu for Android: Smartphone turned desktop that sparks a great discussion on about the different Linux desktops, ownership over the code that runs them, and how our GUI’s are slowly turning to the touch interface. Good move for Canonical? Do you love Unity or Gnome? We stray a bit from Android at the beginning of the show, but all you Nix geeks are going to love it. Later in the show we bring it back around with a discussion about the new fablet craze, the new Motorola Ice Cream Sandwich skin, some great Android game picks, and so much more. Make sure you follow Attack of the Androids on Twitter and like us on Facebook. We also have a Google+ page if you swing that way. Keep on reading after the break for this weeks app picks! Want the show automatically? Make sure you are subscribed.
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AotA 22: Factory Reset


“When am I going to get Ice Cream Sandwich?”

Welcome to episode 22 of Attack of the Androids, our weekly Android talk show. We have a great show for you this evening, and as we all know, a great show is created by a great cast. Joining me are Jeremy Lesniak, Joey Kelley, Seth Heringer and Eric Finkenbiner. We start the show out with a discussion on iteration release time. Are contracts too long or is the iteration period too short? Then we talk about the Jellybean Android 5.0 rumors. This leads to a conversation about why Motorola is taking so long pushing Ice Cream Sandwich to it’s devices. And much more!

Here is the picture of the Transformer Prime power adapter I was talking about. If your Prime stops charging suddenly, check the adapter first.

Please make sure you are subscribed to the show, and if you use iTunes, take a moment and write us a review.

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AotA app picks for episode 22!

Jeremy – Buffer

Eric – Catan

Joey – Pinball Deluxe Free

Mat – Evernote

Seth – QQPlayer

AotA 21: Fingers on a Touch Screen


“Now I need to get a lightsaber.”

Welcome fellow Androidians to episode 21 of Attack of the Androids. We record this podcast once a week, with love. Android love.

Tonight we have our great cast as usual. Eric Finkenbiner, Jeremy Lesniak, Joey Kelley, and Seth Heringer take the reigns as we start out the show with a quick chat about the ongoing struggle of Asus Transformer Prime owners and the awesome news — There’s been an update and it fixed a few things and broke a few more! Such is life. We talk briefly about the Facebook IPO, the Path controversy, and so much more. We also touch on the war between Google and Malware.

Each week we end the show with some of our favorite or most used app picks. If you develop Android applications and would like us to review them, email

AotA  app picks for episode 21!

Seth – HD Widgets

Joey – Finger Dance Lite

Jeremy – Wi-Fi Analytics Tool

Eric – OTA RootKeeper

Mat – Dropbox

Email with any questions and we’ll answer them on the show! Do you have a friend who has an Android device? Subscribe them to Attack of the Androids!

AotA 20: Age of Connectivity


“Is this Bonsai Buddy on Android?”

On top of doing this awesome Android podcast once a week, we write too! Check out a couple of Eric’s latest articles. One on how to install Ice Cream Sandwich on your HP Touchpad and one on the Android Market trojan debacle.

My Asus Transformer Prime review is now published. I’m curious, do you have a Prime? Does it have stability problems? Email and let us know. You can see everything I’ve produced and written for groovyPost over here.

While you’re at it, check out Jeremy, Seth, and Joey on

Have you ever gotten a virus or malware on your Android device? I don’t believe any of us ever have, but then again, we are not the normal use case.

Check out the thread on XDA about the Transformer Prime stability problems. Gary Key has posted  updates every few days on where they are with the patch. We are all crossing our fingers hoping this patch will let us use our Primes like they were meant.

Do you prefer Google Current or My6sense? Eric and I are going to do a head to head write up about it. What’s your problem with Watchdog? Even on a quadcore processor you shouldn’t be using 70% of my Prime’s resources. Maybe it’s a glitch in the ICS.

Another huge thanks to Julie from Handmade of Awesome for making all of us such amazing handmade Android beanies. You are the best!

Who has sex on the first date more? Android users or iPh0ne users? The question is, how relevant is this?

Are you excited for the Droid Razr Maxx? I’m more excited about the battery it has than anything. Hey Samsung, why can’t we have a 3300 mAh battery for the Galaxy Nexus? Why do we the people always get taken advantage of by our carriers?

Here is the thread on XDA about the lack of a REAL car dock for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus. They are selling a car dock, but it’s not the real one. It’s a holder, nothing more. Do you think the people at Verizon know that? NOPE. They will happily sell you the fake car dock for a ridiculous amount of money. Hey Samsung, is this real car dock vaporware? Because that’s what it’s starting to feel like. Just like the update that fixes the connectivity problem.

It’s time for app picks!

Eric – RSD Lite

Jeremy – CNN Money

Joey – Lighter Free

Seth – Gravilux

Mat – Cool Reader

Email with any questions and we’ll answer them on the show! Do you have a friend who has an Android device? Subscribe them to Attack of the Androids!

AotA 19: Handmade of Awesome


“I want that amount of satisfaction in something I purchase.”

Come one come all and take a listen to episode 19 of Attack of the Androids. We have a great episode f0r you this evening. To produce a great episode, one must first have a great cast. Also joining the groovy cast tonight is the wonderful woman who makes all those Android Beanies you’ve seen all over the Google+. She makes them by hand, and with plenty of awesome to spare. Why? Because she has unicorn blood coursing through her body, at least that’s what her Google+ page says. Do you want one? Check out her store on Etsy, then listen to this audio production as Joey tries to sell her on a new computer, we try to rationalize why Steam would want an Android app, and so much more I can’t even begin to explain it here. Plus my editors will probably delete half of this anyway. So if you want to know what else we discuss, keep on reading for the show notes and links, and tune in. You can hear the show by clicking play directly above this, or by making sure you’re subscribed. See you online!

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AotA 18: 100 Angry Nerds


“We want you to help us get our primes back to health.”

We proudly present to you, episode 18 of Attack of the Androids. Joining Mat Lee this evening is the full house. Jeremy Lesniak, Eric Finkenbiner, Joey Kelley, and of course, Seth Heringer. This is a great episode, starting out with the heartbreaking story of 100 heartbroken Asus Transformer Prime owners, all teetering on the edge of their seats for an update to fix the reboot blues. The Prime is a beautiful piece of hardware, the hopes and dreams of generations all kept warm in the these harsh winter days by quadcore hotness. Why does every device I get have problems? They say a prime will evolve traits of it’s owner. Anyway, there’s lots more Android goodness after the break, so take a listen and enjoy the show. Also make sure you subscribe to the new feed. If you don’t, you might not get any new episodes.

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