AotA 34: Built for Humans


“You need to leave the software alone and focus on making my phone not scratch when I put it in my pocket.”

Welcome to episode 34 of your favorite weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here, joining me this evening we have Seth Heringer, and Ant Pruitt from Yet Another Tech Show. Joining us fashionably late on the hangout is Joey Kelley and Eric Finkenbiner. This is the first time Attack of the Androids was recorded LIVE as a Hangout on Air. You can check out the footage on our live page until next episode, then on this YouTube playlist I put together. We start the show off with the Phone of the Moment, then get into some more Oracle Vs. Google, Samsung Vs. Apple updates, then we discuss Facebook opening their own app store, and why you might not ever get another Android update. Keep reading after the click for all this plus our app picks on episode 34 of Attack of the Androids. Thanks for listening!

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AotA 33: C Pound


“I wonder if those black choppers run Java.”

Welcome to the new home of Attack of the Androids. You’re favorite weekly Android podcast! Mat Lee here and we have a great episode for you this evening. Joining me tonight are Eric Finkenbiner, Jeremy Lesniak, Joey Kelley, and of course Seth Heringer. You can start watching these shows live in the next couple of weeks on AotA TV. Also make sure to subscribe to our new feed, which you can find here on our subscribe page, or here for the RSS. Be sure to check back for updates. Keep reading for links to articles we discuss and of course, our app picks.
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AotA Special Report: Oracle VS Google


“Aww man, you broke my GI Joe, now I’m ticked off.”

What happens when two tech titans go head to head in a federal court room over technology related patents and copyrights? CEO’s going head to head on the stand with engineers and programmers caught in the crossfire!

Mat Lee here joined by our very own and much missed Eric Finkenbiner and Chris Poirier to help you make sense of it all. What’s the purpose of all this seemingly frivolous litigation? Is there even a point to technology patents? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, there’s a ton of news and transcripts to analyze, and being the Android users we are, we decided to have a special discussion dedicated to the Oracle Google lawsuit. I hope you enjoy listening, and remember, share using the social in the upper right and make sure to subscribe to our weekly Android podcast. Keep reading after the break for links to some of the articles and transcripts we discuss. Thanks!

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AotA 32: The Fundamental Problem


“More rampant speculation from your friends on Attack of the Androids.”

Hello and welcome to another episode in our weekly journey through the world that is Android. Mat Lee here with episode 32 of Attack of the Androids. Joining me this week is Seth Heringer, Joey Kelley, and Ant Pruitt! You guys all remember him right? Thanks for listening and as usual, please share with the social buttons and subscribe to the show!

On this weeks episode we talk about getting a cheap unlocked GSM Galaxy Nexus from Google Play, a brief teaser to my full on Android web browser review that should be hitting in the next couple of days. After that we talk about Droidwall and why, if you’re rooted, you should be checking what is using your mobile internet. Speaking of security, we talk about a scary clever Android trojan, but should you be scared of it? Who knows, you’ll have to listen to find out. Get it?

After that you know we have to talk about the Oracle versus Google show. Speaking of lawsuits, be sure to check the feed for a special AotA with Eric Finkenbiner, Chris Poirier, and of course, ME! Oh right, we also covered Google Drive! Check out for some great Google Drive coverage. Keep reading for some show note link goodness, and of course, this weeks app picks! Thanks for listening!

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AotA 31: Serious Browsing


“It’s want versus need.”

Hello and good day to all the AotA friends and fans, we have a great show for you on this, episode 31 of Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here, joined by Seth Heringer, Jeremy Lesniak, and Joey Kelley. On tonight’s episode we take a rumor filled look at the Phone of the Moment, the Samsung Galaxy S III. After that get out your drinks because we have a Republic Wireless update. Then we talk about the new Intel Medfield phone that’s supposed to come out this week, some app updates, the Oracle Google lawsuit, some happy RIM Blackberry news, and of course so much more. Keep reading after the break for our app picks! Thanks for listening, help us spread the word socially, and make sure you are subscribed to the show in iTunes.

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AotA 30: Bootkits


“You gotta look good to feel good to work good man.”

Welcome Android freaks and fans to episode 30 of Attack of the Androids. I’m Mat Lee, and joining me this evening we are the three amigos. Joey Kelley, Jeremy Lesniak, and me make three. We have Ant Pruitt from YATS join in a little later in the show. What a great episode we have for you, starting things off with some Android security news, talk about the latest email phishing scam to grace our inboxes. I’ll give you a hint, it looks like it came from Verizon Wireless. Our favorite photo filter app sells to our favorite social network for a ridiculous amount of money, and some BlueStacks Beta news. All this plus our app picks on episode 30 of Attack of the Androids. Make sure you are subscribed to the show in iTunes, and while you’re there, make sure to leave us a quick review. I also write about Android during the week over on Stop by my author page and learn something new about Android. Check the upper right for our social buttons. Thanks for listening!

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