AotA 58: Name Drop


“I don’t swype anyway.”

Hello and welcome to another fun filled informative episode of our weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here with some show notes and links for episode 58. This time around on the show I’m joined by Joey Kelley, Shane Brady, and Eric Finkenbiner. On tonight’s podcast we discuss Google’s new Nexus announcements, Android 4.2 Jellybean, Photosphere, Apple VS Samsung, and a couple of great new games coming to Android. All this plus our app picks for episode 58 of Attack of the Androids. Thanks for listening!

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AotA 57: War Parking


“Android was right, a bigger phone is better, and a smaller tablet is better.”

Ladies and gents, boys and girls, welcome to another fun filled Android focused episode of Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined on this episode by Joey Kelley, Shane Brady, Seth Heringer and Ant Pruitt. Make sure you are subscribed to the show in iTunes, and interact with us on all the social networks with buttons on the upper right. On tonight’s episode we discuss the Apple iPad Mini, along with other some other Apple announcements, the Android event announcement coming October 29th with more confirmed specs for the LG Nexus device, a discussion about smartphone power management, Verizon’s $49 Galaxy Nexus, do apps make you smoke or leak personal data? Find out all about this plus our app picks on this week’s episode of Attack of the Androids. Thanks for listening.

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AotA 56: Life is Good


“No literally, when the ground shakes the sheep start to run around like crazy.”

Yep that’s right, you guessed it. Another episode of Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here on this episode joined by Eric Finkenbiner, Joey Kelley, and Shane Brady. Join us as we talk about a list of top five Android phones coming soon, the Asus PadFone 2, the Archos GamePad, Beyondpod VS DoggCatcher, 32GB Nexus 7 for under $250, CM 10 on the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, a new Google Play scanner, The Internet Crime Complaint Center, the Gmail 4.2 leak, and of course this week’s app picks. Thanks for listening!

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AotA 55: Tap on Crap


“They make awesome tvs, and burner phones.”

Here we go, thanks for checking out episode 55 of our weekly Android podcast Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here with another great panel of Android funboys. On tonight’s episode Joey Kelley, Shane Brady, and Ant Pruitt from YATS join me as we talk about the Samsung Series S550 Chromebook, is the 10 inch tablet a waste of time, Android 4.1.2 hits AOSP, LG Nexus rumors, HTC Droid Incredible X rumors, Samsung Nexus 10 rumors, the Red Bull Stratos Jump, ten ways to make your Android smarter, a couple new Gameloft games, zombies, and of course this week’s app picks. Thanks for listening! If you have any Android related questions, we’re here to help.

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AotA 54: Incompatibility


“Hey Woz, it can. It’s called DoubleTwist.”

Welcome to Attack of the Androids. This is episode 54. Mat Lee hosting along with Seth Heringer, Joey Kelley and Shane Brady. On tonight’s episode we talk about a new Samsung Phone of the Moment, CyanogenMod not being on Rom Manager anymore, OpenWebOS on a Transformer Prime, rumors of a new Nexus phone, Jellybean and ICS getting on some more devices, custom roms, LTE rocks, the Nexus Q, and of course, this week’s app picks.

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AotA 53: Facepalm


“I don’t even know if we can help this gentleman.”

Another week gone by, another episode of your favorite weekly Android podcast, Attack of the Androids. Mat Lee here joined by Joey Kelley, Eric Finkenbiner and Shane Brady. We have a fantastic episode for you, including such thought provoking discussions such as what to do with a fake chinese iPhone 4, some Samsung Galaxy SIII Jellybean updates, the Samsung Factory Reset Hack, Apple stealing a Swiss clock design, from the 40’s, Samsung’s mobile browser experiment, some more alleged Galaxy Nexus 2 rumors, Motorola chnages their software upgrade timeline, the Wikipad, find out which mobile operating system developers prefer, a new bit called Better or Worse, and a great quote from Eric Schmidt telling Apple they should have probably stuck with Google Maps. All this and so much more, plus this week’s app picks on episode 53 of Attack of the Androids.

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